
August 14, 2024
A happy young adult woman enjoys time at a park with her standard poodle, running, playing, and relaxing with the dog.

Getting comfortable with self

In our modern technological age we have the ability to find distractions the tip of our fingers. The consequence of this is we are loosing touch with being comfortable with ourselves. Many people can no longer sit or lay quietly without having music playing, listening to a podcast or watching YouTube or scrolling through social media. This loss of quiet, restful time, never allows for the small still voice from within you to be heard. The constant need for distraction via technology doesn’t allow for the time and space the mind and body needs to hear this inner […]
August 7, 2024
Mother holding her newborn baby

Fix it

Are you a “fix it” only when it breaks or hurts? What about preventative maintenance  or even wellness care? How you utilise chiropractic care reveals the value you place on your health and quality of life. For some, they will only pay attention to their health when it hurts or doesn’t work properly. Often they ignore early warning signals and even mask or numb the symptoms through taking drugs and then push on doing the very lifestyle choices that created the problem. There are those who understand the importance of maintenance care. Where they do enough to keep […]
July 25, 2024

The Overwhelmed brain

There are 4 key changes that happen when the brain becomes overwhelmed by stress. Firstly you move into the survival fight or flight posture. This is where you over activate the flexor muscles in the neck, upper chest, hips and legs. This leads to pulling the head forward of the shoulders and down. The hip flexors and hamstrings cause the lower back to slump or slouch. The second thing to happen is the autonomic nervous system (ANS) activates its survival side, the “sympathetic nervous system”. This will increase your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, lower the temperature […]
July 17, 2024

Hijacked by stress

Anxiety is your brain being hijacked by stress. It is a brain that is over-stimulated; needing rest. The stress may be real or imagined. Unfortunately the brains activation of the survival fight or flight response will happen regardless. It does not differentiate between real or imagines stress. The constant activation of the stress response over time causes changes in the brain. The brain rewires to become more sensitive to stress and any over-stimulation off the sensors (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) will reinforce the symptoms of anxiety. This is why you cannot get better in the same […]

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