Health Tips

March 4, 2024

Power to change

Due to Neuroplasticity, what you repeat in life has the power to change how your brain wires, connects and functions. This leads to how you will express health and quality of life. Or if what you repeat is unhealthy it will be reflected in symptoms, illness and lack of quality of life. Many people all around the world for over 120yrs have chosen to use regular chiropractic care to be their power to change, from poor health to greater health. As more and more research looks into why chiropractic works to support optimal health expression, some revealing answers […]
February 28, 2024

Thoughts as a superfood

Imagine if your thoughts were food. Would these thoughts nourish or poison you? It is easy to see and understand how eating a poor diet can impact health but have you ever considered the fact that your thoughts have an impact on health also? Research estimates that a person has around 60,000 thoughts each day. Of these 75% or 45,000 are negative and 95% repetitive. Many of these negative thoughts are driven by the fight or flight, defensive survival part of the brain. These constant repetitive negative thoughts trigger the brain to rewire into survival dominant patterns. This […]
February 21, 2024

LAD , the hidden stress

Are the lights in your house and work harming your health? LED lights may use less electricity to produce its light but modern LED lights remove the red and violet frequencies in order to save electricity. This means we are being over exposed to greater amounts of blue and green frequencies. LED’s may be saving electricity but is it at the cost of harming your health? Circadian rhythm is the natural day/night or light/dark cycle that the body goes through. A disrupted circadian rhythm can lead to many different health issues. Conditions like poor sleep, insomnia, digestive troubles, […]
February 14, 2024

Stress alters the brain

Stress alters the wiring and firing of the brain. More accurately, long term stress rewires the brain into survival and defensive patters. This is why I find it important to measure the brain and nervous system patterns when people seek my chiropractic care. When a persons brain and nervous system has rewired towards these survival patterns, it alters how the body and mind functions. Long term stress lowers immune function, alters hormone balance, leads to poor digestion and symptoms like brain fog, where it is hard to think clearly, creatively and lean new information. Many people seeking help […]

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