Health Tips

July 25, 2024

The Overwhelmed brain

There are 4 key changes that happen when the brain becomes overwhelmed by stress. Firstly you move into the survival fight or flight posture. This is where you over activate the flexor muscles in the neck, upper chest, hips and legs. This leads to pulling the head forward of the shoulders and down. The hip flexors and hamstrings cause the lower back to slump or slouch. The second thing to happen is the autonomic nervous system (ANS) activates its survival side, the “sympathetic nervous system”. This will increase your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, lower the temperature […]
July 17, 2024

Hijacked by stress

Anxiety is your brain being hijacked by stress. It is a brain that is over-stimulated; needing rest. The stress may be real or imagined. Unfortunately the brains activation of the survival fight or flight response will happen regardless. It does not differentiate between real or imagines stress. The constant activation of the stress response over time causes changes in the brain. The brain rewires to become more sensitive to stress and any over-stimulation off the sensors (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) will reinforce the symptoms of anxiety. This is why you cannot get better in the same […]
July 11, 2024

Building a better brain

Information that is new, presented in a novel way and is exciting to that person will be learnt and retained. It will be committed to memory. New, novel and exciting information causes neurons (brain cells) to fire and as this is repeated new brain circuits are created. This is where the saying in neuroscience “ neurons that fire together, wire together” comes from. From before we were born we have been creating these brain pathways. A baby learns how to roll, sit, crawl, walk and talk by repeating the action until the new pathway was built and strengthened. […]
July 3, 2024

Rest , Relax , Release

Over stimulation of our sensors (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) within our modern lives leads to a stressed brain. Being deliberate about taking time to rest is an important part of lowering the sensory over stimulation into the brain and giving it time to recover. As part of the brain based chiropractic approach to resorting peoples optimal brain function I recommend laying on the posture pole twice daily for 10-15min each time. Firstly this creates space for rest so you can begin the relaxation process which requires time. Secondly the extension posture lowers the fight or flight […]

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